Saturday, June 26, 2010

Aunt Sissy and Cody's 9th Birthday

I have to say that this was one of favorite parts of vacation! I haven't seen Kristy and her kids in about 4 years! That's a long time in sister time. Her kids have gotten so big! Last time I saw her Andrew was just a toddler! We went to the water park on post almost daily...woot free (thanks Sissy) and basicaly just crashed out around her house for 4 days.
My sweet little Cody turned 9 while on this portion of the trip and we had cake balls, ice cream and pudding, and Matt made pancakes for Cody and the kids for Breakfast. He also helped Kiki and Josh make breakfast in bed for Kristy since "No one else is around to take care of your Mommy since Daddy is in Iraq again, so lets make something for her"....awww what a sweet hubby I have.
We had so much fun but alas we had to go home...leave time was running out and South Carolina is a good drive from home. I'll miss you Kristy!
And Happy late Birthday to my sweet Cody bear.

Kiara,Cody,Josh, Michael, Andrew and Matty.

Kristy and her MASSIVE dog Moose....Aidan's face was too funny..."like WTF is that!!!"

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