Monday, February 9, 2009

The Lips

Well the lips are all better, the road rash is gone! Even his scar from the dog bite is getting lighter. We may actually have to have the scar tissue beneath removed, it's painful for him and even to the touch it's rock hard under my finger, I can only imagine how it hurts when he talks or bumps it. Poor kid. But at least it's faded and healed for now. The tooth hasn't been taken care of yet, the dentist we set up to see called to reschedule, and then on the day they rescheduled me for .....WERE CLOSED! Needless to say we are seeing someone else today. Lol. If you don't even know when your regular business hours are do I really want you hands operating drills and needles inside my child's mouth? I think not. So here are some pictures of how his lip is doing and the tooth as it is now. The 1st is the chipped tooth as of yesterday (darn my flash, I can't seem to operate my cheap then Michael healed as of yesterday, the dog bite scar is on the left, and then the last was the tooth last week, I added both because I wasn't sure which one it's more visible in.
May I also comment on the uber cuteness that is my kid! He's so adorable!

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