Monday, February 6, 2012

Welcome Home Party

As a result of our upcoming move to Germany this spring, and Matt's return from Afghanistan, Matt's parents put together a party to welcome him home and give him a chance to see all of those friends and family who he seldom gets too see, all in one place. Since we were home for Christmas and only had the boy's with us for a short period of time we were not likely to be running off to see each of these people one on one so this was an amazing idea! The food was phenomenal, the company even better! Our family always does the nicest things to make us feel loved and welcome and to show appreciation. This was defiantly a wonderful welcome home party!
Matt and his little brother Jordan were surprised with a joint birthday cake, which was AWESOME!!!! Old embarassing photos! OHHH YES!
Matt and his little nephew Hunter
One of Nana and Grandaddy's neighbors was just amazing and made sure that he and his family would pray for Matt's safety every night, and when he met Cody, they sat at the table for 2 hours talking and they hit it off so well, Cody could have gone home and been it was so cute.
Aidan was of course EVERYONES favorite screamer, most of the evening and once he passed out he made the night much nicer for everyone! lol
I have to add this photo of Matt and Jordan, just becuase I love it so much!

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