I love Valentines Day!
The kids got all sorts of fun goodies and love from Oma and Nana and Grandaddy! A box of goodies from each of them (my oh my aren't they spoiled by their grandparents!) and a small box of chocolates and a silly card from Matt and I, not to mention the sugary love that was sent home from the parties at school. The boy's unfortunately/fortunately spent the weekend at their Dad's in Houston which allowed Matt and I to spend the day before Valentines day alone! But we did miss this all weekend!
Our 1st Valentines day together! Last year Matt was at OSUT ( Basic training/AIT) and all I could send was a letter.
I slept in while my sneaky husband escaped to the store without me noticing, to get all sorts of things to spoil me with. And spoil me he did! He got me four bouquets of flowers! AWWW! White roses, yellow and pink tipped roses, and two smaller bouquets of red tulips! MMMm I heart Tulips!! It brings back wonderful vivid memories of growing up in Europe and seeing them in the gardens all over.
To prove just how much...I put over 3o0 pink post-it notes around our bathroom saying "I love you" and 100 reasons WHY I love him so much, all those little things that mean so much to me day in and day out! A bottle of sparkling cider, some candles, a bubble bath, and three romantic comedy's on dvd and it was a fantastic day! Matt also took me out to dinner at a Mexican place I've been craving! MMMM enchilada's! All in all we had a fantastic 1st Valentines day together and I can't wait to spend many many more with the love of my life and hopefully next year again with our boy's!