Saturday, July 17, 2010


This month we went to pick blueberries as a family and I have to say it was a really fun family activity! Suggestion.........uhhhhh where tennis shoes and bug there were just a FEW spiders in the bushes...hehe. Our frg group leader Sherry happened to send out an email that suggesting this place (just out chaffee gate) yet another reason to be involved in frg....points for team frg! It was really fun! Even Captian grumpy pants fun. It was almost like kissmet, we (the boys and I) had been watching Food Network the night before, watching Alton Brown make blueberry pie and blueberry buckle and the kids REALLY wanted to try them out, and then there was the email from sherry just sitting there! Fate much?!

So after about 20 minutes in the blazing heat picking berries we had about a gallon (only $3.50!!! can you believe it!) and headed home. So my 1st attempt at a blueberry pie didn't turn out quuuuiiieeettt like I had planned....It wasn't pretty, which is one of my requirments for food to be acceptable for me to serve to my guests. That and I sort of doubled the recipe to make two pies and forgot to double the thickener....DURRRR ...It was a very ugly blueberry soup in a pie but the recipe tasted great! We froze the rest so at least I can make another attempt. We are also planning to try the blueberry buckle ( a cross between a blueberry cake and cobbler),whole wheat blue berry pancakes and muffins! It's all in this new quest to try and eat healthier....yeah yeah so pie and cobbler and muffins aren't all that healthy but at least we are making deserts with a healthier

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