Fort Polk LOUUUUIIISSSSSIIIAANNNNAA .....LOL.. YUP! May 24th we sign in. So as soon as Matt is home, the moving process begins. Some of you already know this, because my kitten breath, sunshine and rainbow ponies out look on life has forced me to feign excitement over it. HAHA. Ok...Not really feign. I am rather thankful right now for small blessings! Fort Polk is the BANE of Military existence, right up there with Fort Blister. Oh I mean Fort Bliss, Texas. Frankly every military family member or service member that has heard of our new duty station has given me the "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm soooooo sorry for you" look or has begun Manically laughing. lol All except my little sister Kristy who actualy LIKES it and would love to go back......(new meds perhaps sissy???) jk!!!
Fort Polk is Swampy...... lol . I suppose that's the word. Before I saw it for the 1st time I had visions of old toothless men in coverall's rasslin gator's and such...lol. However, I was able to visit Kristy at Fort Polk, back in 2007 (??) for Easter. The base really isn't that small, and the housing really isn't bad at all. I love that the kids will be attending a school where uniforms are required. I won't have the "BUT MOM, I DON'T WANNNTTTT TO WEAR THAT SHIRT TODAY!!!!!!!" argument anymore. It's white or green polo's suckers! BBWWHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Sorry.....it slipped out. Once again we will be living on base and not in a tiny 3 bedroom apartment, and will hopefully have some type of small fenced yard where Cupcake can play and we could possibly set up the trampoline. None of that matters though. The blessing I am so excited about is that as of NOW and from what we've been told Matt is in a non deployable unit (that is as of now, who knows tomorrow lol) and that means AT LEAST one year home, sleeping in the same bed, being around us!!!!! SIGH, I am seriously thrilled at this. As for it being in Lousisiana...Eh.....he'll be home........really, can't complain. I'm sure my lovely new in law's won't mind that we are only 805 miles from them as opposed to here in Arizona. The closer, the better. HOME HOME HOME. Thank you for blessings in disguise!!!!!
Good luck with the move. Maybe we'll get a chance to visit again since you'll be a good bit closer to where I live.
WOW!!! Rach that is really far away. It is crazy that you will be livin in Louisiana. I hope they teach you how to make grits. Haahahhhehee!!! Have fun on the move. I really hate moving, I don't know how you do it so often. Keep us posted.
HOME!!!!! You'll be near MY HOME!!!!
Fort Polk does have a bad rep.
But I can show you SO MUCH FUN!!!!!
It is what you make it hun! Enjoy it!
Wow! That is a awesome. What a fun new little adventure you will have! HOw are the boys feelings about it?
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