Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Uncle Dan

Fianlly Uncle Danny was able to come for a visit! It's been a long time since we've seen him, 2 1/2, almost 3 years for the kids and I and Matt had yet to meet him! Amy, Dave and Dan all work jobs all over the US and Canada and that makes it hard to see each other with as often as we move and as often as they travel for work, so on his way to his new job he drove to see us (thank you, thank you, thank you Dan!!! I know it was a real heck of a drive). Unfortunatly he was only able to stay about 24 hours because of a scheduleing snafu at work. We were all so bummed! However, sometime is better than no time! It was so awesome to get to see my baby brother!
Dan and Matt hit it off, what little bit of time they had to get to know each other, and that was awesome. So as of now the only member of my family who hasn't met Matt is Dave and his family! I wish we really had more time, since when he met Amy and Dan both it was only for a few hours. We at least got to have him meet Matt and meet Aidan. It was so fun!
Waiting at the bus stop for Matty to get home and see Uncle Dan for the 1st time.

The kids had a blast!

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